FPGA Courses
IPSES organizes workshops and courses on programmable logics, such as FPGA. Workshops include theoretical basis and practical demonstrations.
Workshop on "programmable logics"
Subjects discussed on this workshop are:
- Theory of operating
- Description of the circuit
- Hardware resources
- Limits of programmable logics
- Comparison between sequential and spatial technology
- FPGA microprocessors
- Hardware planning with FPGA
- Practical demonstration: project flow
- Market offer
- Conclusions and further developments of the technology
Practical demonstrations showed
- Flashing LED
- Two frequencies flashing LED
- Flashing LED with selectable frequency trough two pushbuttons
- Management of a rotary encoder.
- Generation of VGA 640x480 @ 60Hz screens
- Generations of VGA 800x600 @ 72Hz screens
- Control of a rectangle trough rotary encoder on a VGA 640x480 screen
- Microblaze (implementation of a FPGA microprocessor)
Workshop on "development using Xilinx FPGA"
Subjects discussed on this workshop are:
- Main features of Xilinx FPGA
- The development environment: Xilinx ISE.
- Use of the inner resources of the FPGA : Xilinx Architecture wizard.
- The generator of hardware peripheral: Xilinx Core Generator.
- Management of the hardware constraints: Xilinx Pace.
- Environment of simulation and hardware debug: Chipscope Core Inserter.
- Environment of simulation and hardware debug: Chipscope Pro Analyzer.
- Environment of simulation and software debug: Modelsim.
- Hardware configuration: Xilinx Impact.
- Development environment of third parts
- Some mentions on development using Linux environment
- Conclusions and further developments of the technology
Practical demonstrations showed
- Advanced management of the device reset
- Advanced management of the clock
- Creation of a configuration register bank
- I2C peripheral interface demonstration
- PWM generation and management
- Management of interfaces using independent clocks trough FIFO structures